How to assemble barrel sauna alone? Client experience
•Posted on March 14 2023

1. How did you dare to assemble a sauna on your own without any help?
I watched a lot of videos online as I was waiting for my sauna to be manufactured. I remember I had around 5 weeks of time to study the design and all the instructions also from other manufacturers who specialize on barrel sauna production. It is true that usually at least two people are working on the assembly, but I could imagine that doing it alone would not be impossible! Also, the palette arrived just in the week when my family was out of town for a vacation, so I had to make a decision to either wait for my family, or to try to build it by myself. And of course I couldn’t just let the sauna be out there, so I decided to try to build it on my own! My dad laughed at me and did not believe I would be able to finish it until they arrived. The idea for making a short assembly film came immediately as I wanted to show my family later on how I did it!
2. Can you tell how you chose the sauna? Why did you choose a barrel sauna? Why did you choose Saunasnet?
I’m a big fan of Saunasnet in general and when we moved from the city to the countryside in the summer of this year, I was wondering that it would be quite nice to have a small private sauna in our backyard, to relax and enjoy with the family and friends. Also, even though we are situated in central Europe, we still get very cold winters, so it’s practical, healthy and comfortable to be independent and just go to sauna whenever we feel like it. Barrel sauna was kind of a dream because I was always fascinated by the beautiful shape and practicality. It’s like having a little exotic wooden house that catches your eye at first sight. I really liked the idea of a wood burning stove, the cracking, the smell! Yet distant from all digital technologies, all work, hurry and the endless noise of our hectic culture.
I was checking the local sauna distributors in my country, but nothing seemed like a good option. It was either nonsense expensive or the companies would offer just assembled saunas where the only possible way to transport it would be with a huge crane truck, which would be impossible as our backyard does not have any access to the road. I almost gave up on the idea when one day I searched for sauna manufacturers outside of my country, but with the shipping availability across the EU. And the first thing I clicked on was Saunasnet! The price was very appealing and I really liked the website, the individual products with optional extras, including stoves, doors, windows, benches, lightning etc. The quality looked very good too, but I was a bit sceptical about the shipping price, coming all the way from Estonia it must be at least a thousand euros, I was thinking to myself. Luckily I was wrong and the shipping price was not even half of it! And it would still be the best possibility compared to our local stores!
3. How did you find the process of building the sauna? Was it difficult or did you find it relatively easy? Do you have any advice for others who may be considering a similar project?
It’s really great that almost all parts are packed individually, so they are not heavy and you can handle it by yourself. There were only two moments when it was a challenge for a single person to figure out. The first moment was with the round wooden panels, the front one and the back one. Once put together they were very heavy and the only way I could move them was by rolling them, which I know was not ideal. But with a little bit of struggle and strength, you will get there! The other moment was the chimney. That is actually the only part I was not even able to film because I struggled a lot to put it through the black protective rubber insert. But again, nothing that would stop you, just makes it a bit more difficult.
I recommend having good quality work tools and enough surrounding space to build. It is also important to have a leveled surface made of concrete or other solid material. It’s good to think twice about each step and not hurry anywhere. Of course a battery-powered screwdriver, tape measure, spirit level and a rubber hammer are an absolute must. Putting on the wooden staves, roof shingles or the indoor benches is not too much of a big deal and it’s pretty easy to do!